How To Treat Nasal Congestion While Pregnant - MEDICAL ROOT How To Treat Nasal Congestion While Pregnant - MEDICAL ROOT

How To Treat Nasal Congestion While Pregnant

Learn about treating nasal congestion for pregnant women below will bring great knowledge that can help mom understand why they have a stuffy nose and how to treat it.

Nasal Congestion While Pregnant

According to statistics, up to 30% of pregnant women experience nasal congestion while pregnant, so the first new mothers become pregnant should pay attention to this article in detail.

Causes of nasal congestion

  • Due to the high estrogen levels during pregnancy can cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa and even the slime.
  • In addition, the increased blood flow in the body of a pregnant woman can cause small blood vessels in the nasal mucosa swell and obstruct the surrounding tissue.
  • In addition, hormonal factors could also be the cause.

Learn about nasal congestion while pregnant

If you don't have other symptoms in addition to nasal congestion, could be rinicitis during pregnancy.

But if you experience fever, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, mild pain or swelling of the salivary glands may be, chances are you are suffering from the flu or other infections.

In addition, sinusitis often also occurs in pregnant women with symptoms such as fever, headache, a blue or yellow nose, facial pain, jaw pain, or decrease the sense of smell.

The doctor if any of the expression above.

On the other hand, if you have a cold, accompanied by sneezing and itchy eyes, nose, throat, ears, You might be allergic.

Allergies during pregnancy often are unpredictable, and you might suddenly sensitive to allergens or certain stimulant earlier didn't You encounter.

Of course, it is not always possible to determine the main reason this stuffy nose, but probably also the discomfort caused by the resonance many causes as you can get allergies and inflammation. The nose during pregnancy

You may want to try the following to reduce the discomfort of nasal congestion:

• Drink plenty of fluids and sleep with your head as high as the knees while you sleep: use an extra pillow to elevate the head when lying down to rest or sleep, which also helped relieve heartburn.

• Warm water vapor: Steam is temporarily dampen stuffiness and help ease breathing. You could try a warm bath and feel the hot steam in the bathroom or moisten the towel with hot water, apply it on your face, and breathe.

• Spray nasal spray: Spray or drip a few drops as directed into each side of the nose and in five or ten minutes you can blow your nose easier.

• Use a humidifier: Moisturizers provide extra moisture to the air and remain close to the head of the bed while sleeping at night.

Should be cleaned in accordance with the instructions, replace the water each day in order not to create an ideal environment in order for bacteria to grow. You should also replace the filter regularly.

• Exercise: avoid exercising outdoors on days when the air is polluted, it can irritate the nose and aggravate the condition.

• Avoid stimulants: Stimulants such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, paint, or the things that trigger your symptoms.

Nasal congestion remedies that can be used on pregnant women

If nasal congestion that constantly makes you suffer, talk with your doctor about your symptoms and ask for a proper prenatal care and safe.

It is best to avoid taking medication during the first trimester unless absolutely necessary, such as to control asthma, and prescribed by your doctor.

If your doctor agrees, you could try a decongestant. However, avoid using nasal sprays can cause a reaction back and your condition worsens.

By learning about how to treat nasal congestion while pregnant on the article above, it is expected the mother can keep her pregnancy healthy.

I hope this information will help you, thanks.

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