The Benefits Of Normal Childbirth or Caesarean Section Should Have Known
Caesarean Section Should be bringing valuable knowledge to give birth to the expectant mother.
The benefits of normal Childbirth
Mother to choose mother can refer to this article to see yourself having to choose which method. Please note that each method has its own benefits.
Normal birth-birth method supported by many doctors
Doctors have always encouraged women to choose contraception because it is often more beneficial to the mother and fetus.The benefits of a Normal birth of a baby
Babies born by caesarean section are more likely to experience normal births rather thanThe cause is that the birth of the fetal lung tissues, usually encourages enlarged autonomous respiration, which facilitate the fetus after birth.
When the uterus is usually contracted by the uterus and opens when about to increase the elasticity of the embryo.
Help fetal lungs a workout, uterine contractions will give a lot of oxygen and triglycerides. Respiratory center to parts of the brain.
At birth, due to the effects of pressure, can cause fluid amnion and mucus in the lungs, nasal cavity and oral cavity diseases reduces fetus fetus.
Meanwhile, the caesarean section does not work.
The benefits of Normal births for mothers
Often delivery may lead to the opening of the vagina dilated, which is beneficial for excretion and also beneficial to the recovery ofAfter giving birth, women can walk quietly.
Women will not have the side effect of painkillers such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Mothers will lose a little bit after the birth
The mother will be able to draw valuable experience after giving birth for the second time. This experience is very interesting if you give birth by caesarean section will not be able to feel it.
Benefits of caesarean section
Apart from other reasons, most of the pregnancy, it is advisable for the birth of Caesar where labor tends to affect the safety of the baby or the mother.You should choose this solution when facing the following problem
1. Baby twins
If three or more twins, doctors usually designates the caesarean section so that the mother and her baby safe because his mother often lose strength during normal birth.
2. The fetus has congenital malformations
Children with congenital malformations are safer for caesarean section.3. Mother ever caesarean section
If you've ever undergone a caesarean section, talk with your doctor about methods of birth for next time.4. Maternal health is weak
When you are too weak and had difficulty in providing pelvic pain, your doctor will ask for a caesarean section.5. Baby it is not normal
If your baby has an abnormal heart rhythm, your doctor must find a way so that the baby was born by caesarean section immediately.6. Placenta has problems affecting normal birth
When the placenta was blocking the way out babies; Each separate, detached from the uterus (placenta separately), you will undergo a caesarean section.7. Abnormal gestation-pregnancy belly
So your baby will give birth, you cannot wait for the existence of a8. The umbilical cord without ropes that are not yet born
If the cord down through the vagina before the baby is born and the baby's oxygen supply is cut off, you need a caesarean section.9. Pregnant women have the disease
For mothers with diabetes, pre-clamps the doctor will appoint caesarean section.For the mother who is infected with HIV, infections such as genital herpes using a caesarean section reduces the risk of infecting the baby.
7. The fetus is too large to come out
If the cervix is not fully expanded or the baby's head is too big, the caesarean section is the recommended method.There are many reasons to consider normal childbirth or caesarean section.
The date of giving birth is near, the mother chose carefully by reading a normal birth benefits or Caesar.
I hope this information benefits for you.
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