Problems In Pregnancy That Many Mom For Saying - MEDICAL ROOT Problems In Pregnancy That Many Mom For Saying - MEDICAL ROOT

Problems In Pregnancy That Many Mom For Saying

Pregnancy problems that many moms fear the saying is a problem that makes the mother chose to discuss it with other people, because of the feeling of shame.

The Problems of Mom During Pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body make body organs changing and raises a sensitive issue.

For example, is the problem with urinary and digestive system makes the mother feel shy talking. Check out what the problem is and what causes it.

Urinary syndrome

Urinary syndrome is a common symptom occurs in pregnant women, especially in the last few months of pregnancy.

This is a case where a small amount of urine or more thrown out and you can't control it. Urinating may occur when You cough, sneeze or laugh, which usually makes uncomfortable while pregnant.


During pregnancy, the uterus expands into the bladder and at the end of pregnancy, the baby's head moves to the hip and pressing the bladder causing constant urination and often felt like pee.


Some women are choosing to limit the intake of water to correct this condition, but not the one good if water intake is reduced.

Because it can cause the body's water shortage and the baby in the stomach less amniotic fluid. You need to know that Pee while pregnant is it normal.

Don't worry too much because once born this problem will disappear.

You can limit the urine, here is the solution:

  • Often frequent urination, when you feel like to pee and even if you don't feel like peeing, to avoid bladder full of water.
  • Kegel Exercises help train the muscles around the urethra and the vagina and increases the capability of controlling the bladder.
  • However, if urinary syndrome associated with acute urticaria, pain or sensations such as burning, you should immediately see a doctor because there may be a symptom of urinary tract infection.

Constipation during pregnancy

Constipation in pregnant women usually occurs due to:

  • Due to hormonal changes in the body,
  • Due to a diet low in fiber,
  • Due to the development of the fetus
  • Due to the weight and fatigue while pregnant, pregnant women often have limited physical activity.

Tips during pregnancy

  • Selective but selective Diet helps reduce bloating.
  • Try to practice bowel habits and preferably in the morning because as long as it has the strongest movement rectum colic, which might be unfamiliar at first but will adapt gradually.
  • Drink a lot of water around the 7-8 glasses of water a day because white water helps soften and get rid of waste with ease, thus overcoming the risk of constipation, eating fiber (complementary foods such as vegetables, fruit trees).
  • Tty exercising with exercising that comply with the health and the body of a pregnant woman.


This leads to feelings of shame and embarrassment faced by pregnant women when they are in the crowd.

Even pregnant women can also burp once every five minutes without can control this condition.


Due to pregnancy, the mother's digestive system will work slower than usual, the bacteria in the intestines have more time to digest and enzymes also creates more gas in the intestines.

In addition, if the daily diet is more likely to cause bloating, deflate is also understandable.


  • Limit eating food that could cause you to frequent belching like cheese, cream, onion, garlic, cabbage, sweet potatoes, beans.
  • Eat many small meals, while eating must be chewed carefully, avoid eating while talking and laughing because you can swallow more air into your colon.

Itching while pregnant

Pruritus during pregnancy is also a common symptom that should be faced by 14% of pregnant women who are very rich and varied, possibly because:
  • Skin stretched, stretched due to fetal development, stretch marks itch causes pregnant at 20%. Public stretch marks caused by the stretch marks are the abdomen, chest, and thighs.
  • Because of its vasodilatory during pregnancy cause the skin to become sensitive and increase itching.
  • Some pregnant women have hair folliculitis.
  • Cholesterol in the liver can cause the skin to dry out and itch of pregnant women

Hemorrhoids due to pregnancy

There are many cases where the pregnant woman was surprised that before getting pregnant no hemorrhoids during pregnancy but they deal with diseases that can cause swelling and bleeding from the anus shit.

There are cases of hemorrhoid protruding out and feels sick.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women with hemorrhoids during pregnancy is totally normal when pregnant, because:

Along with the growth of a large baby, uterus gradually accumulate and pressure formed against the pelvic blood vessels, causing blood vessels around the anus down from circulation and formed the hemorrhoids.

Constant constipation

When constipation is pregnant is often compressed time of defecation, intestinal pressure causing pressure on the veins stretch of prolonged duration.

Extremely easy to occur in pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoids.

Tips For Constant Constipation

  • Do not sit for a long period of time, often change your position.
  • Diet drink plenty of plain water, fiber, to avoid prolonged constipation.
  • In the case of hemorrhoids fetal development in pregnant women, should you see a doctor. 

Depending on the specific case, the doctor will give the proper care.

The issue of pregnancy is much dreaded mom above including the disease is not serious, the problem causing the mother to feel uncomfortable, sometimes shy, leading to less communication with the outside world.

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